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Made for the Dreyfoos Film Department's annual "Halloween-ish" Competition. 


As part of the AICE Media Studies curriculum, I produced the first two minutes (opening scene) of a film. My film Archetype centers on a young college student and aspiring actor, Oliver Roland.  He wants to play Macbeth in the school's upcoming production, but is told by the director that he seems more suited for a supporting role.  Oliver is angered and becomes obsessed with the role of Macbeth. We watch as Oliver's actions and visions start mirroring those of Macbeth's, resulting in violence and heartbreak. Read the full treatment here.

The Box

The theme behind this film is one of human conformity. I wanted to portray how difficult it often is to stand out and have thoughts outside of that box that most of us stay in–whether it be a comfort zone or simply societal norms. I made use of some ideas from Gustave Le Bon's The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, such as how we lose individuality in a large numbers. I tried to use color to differentiate between sameness and diversity. Sometimes the nature shots are quite vibrant, but crowds of people might be in black and white.  I used the army footage as basically an extreme visual image of sameness. I also tried to use images of symmetry around school to further support this case. I paste stick figures into a lot of my footage to show that those drawings are supposed to represent us. 

Environmental PSA

Keep Florida beaches clean.

Virtual Winter Holiday Gala Show

Unable to perform at retirement homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, I organized and edited this 70 minute virtual show, including singing, piano, dancing, poetry and more.

"Princess Mononoke Medley" Music Video

I edited this music video to accompany my friends and I's performance of a Princess Mononoke MedleyI also did the audio engineering through GarageBand. 

Promo - Virtual Winter Holiday Gala Show

I edited this promotional video and posted it to social media (Facebook and WeChat) ahead of the 2020 Winter Concert.

"A Tale of Five Nations" Virtual Play

As part of the American & Asian Cultural Club, I and the other members collectively wrote a story "A Tale of Five Nations". We recorded our lines over Zoom meetings in both Chinese and English. I edited everything into a 47-minute virtual play. 

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