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Science Fiction and the Doom of Humanity

From A Trip to the Moon to Ex Machina

As science and technology develop, societies are driven to embrace transformative social changes. While these advancements hold the promise of progress, they also evoke apprehensions of impending danger. Thus, cinematic narratives emerge as a powerful medium for articulating these anxieties about the future, allowing filmmakers to project societal fears onto the screen and engage audiences in a thought-provoking discourse on the potential consequences of scientific and technological evolution.

The Manhattan Project

2018 - National History Day

The dropping of the atomic bombs inflicted a huge tragedy on Japan, instantly killing at least 120,000 people. It then led to the dangerous, unpredictable Cold War era, following the end of World War II. Despite the inevitable tragedy, the success of the Manhattan Project won the most significant triumph for the United States and the Allies. Within days of the dropping of the bombs, Japan announced their surrender. This ended the atrocity of World War II which was started in 1939 by Hitler’s Germany, taking a total of 35 to 60 million lives around the world by the end of the war in 1945.

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